Sometimes you need a simple templating in bash without any logic. You can use sed or even awk but for simple substitute of variable in a file envsubst is the best option. Placeholders are usual bash variables like $MY_VAR or ${MY_VAR} (I prefer the latter as it’s simple to read).…
HTTP status ranges in a nutshell (src): 1xx: hold on; 2xx: here you go; 3xx: go away; 4xx: you fucked up; 5xx: I fucked up. Fun status codes: HTTP Cats; HTTP STATUS DOGS; With description and RFC references: HTTP Status Codes and with examples in different languages. REST API Tutorial…
Set of generic tools to operate Kubernetes. UI Management tools to work directly with Kubernetes. Web Official Dashboard; Octant; Containerum; Headlamp; Kubevious; devtron; Kubermetrics; Portainer; KubeSail. Desktop app Kubernetic; Walmart Kubeman; Kube Lens;; IBM Kui. Terminal kubelive; Templating There are many tools for templating Kubernetes entities: helm - traditional…
Sometimes you have to work in Windows. But filesystems in Windows is far from Linux versions and their permission model. That could be a problem sometimes. In this case, you can use VM or WSL. X-Servers for Windows: XMANAGER - too expensive; Cygwin/X - failed to run a remote app;…
Useful environment variables: export ANSIBLE_DIFF_ALWAYS=true export ANSIBLE_GATHER_SUBSET='all,!ohai,!hardware' export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=~/Projects/ansible.log export ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED=false export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.ansible/vault Related links: Ansible Configuration Settings …