Sometimes you need a simple templating in bash without any logic. You can use sed or even awk but for simple substitute of variable in a file envsubst is the best option. Placeholders are usual bash variables like $MY_VAR or ${MY_VAR} (I prefer the latter as it’s simple to read).…
HTTP status ranges in a nutshell (src): 1xx: hold on; 2xx: here you go; 3xx: go away; 4xx: you fucked up; 5xx: I fucked up. Fun status codes: HTTP Cats; HTTP STATUS DOGS; With description and RFC references: HTTP Status Codes and with examples in different languages. REST API Tutorial…
Set of generic tools to operate Kubernetes. UI Management tools to work directly with Kubernetes. Web Official Dashboard; Octant; Containerum; Headlamp; Kubevious; devtron; Kubermetrics; Portainer; KubeSail. Desktop app Kubernetic; Walmart Kubeman; Kube Lens;; IBM Kui. Terminal kubelive; dive - tool for docker image layers analysis. Templating There are many…
Sometimes you have to work in Windows. But filesystems in Windows is far from Linux versions and their permission model. That could be a problem sometimes. In this case, you can use VM or WSL. X-Servers for Windows: XMANAGER - too expensive; Cygwin/X - failed to run a remote app;…
Useful environment variables: export ANSIBLE_DIFF_ALWAYS=true export ANSIBLE_GATHER_SUBSET='all,!ohai,!hardware' export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=~/Projects/ansible.log export ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED=false export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.ansible/vault Related links: Ansible Configuration Settings …